The internal medicine training logbook from Logitbox allows your training records to reflect your actual experience.

Your JRCPTB core medical training or Internal Medicine Training e-portfolio records the basics of educational progression, but doesn’t really show your development as a doctor.

Performed a procedure? Capture the data on Logitbox and show you’re ahead of the curve.

Seen patients in clinic? Accumulate evidence for your IMT portfolio on Logitbox.

Admitted patients on take? So easy to miss recording this core clinical activity without an easy-to-use logbook. Improve your data capture using our flexible system specifically customised for internal medicine training.

Been to a conference, published a paper, presented an abstract? Add them all to your Logitbox internal medicine training logbook research category, for a comprehensive record of your real experience of internal medical training.

    Common Procedures

    Common cardiology
    • DC cardioversion
    • Portable echocardiogram
    Common gastroenterology
    • Ascitic drain
    • Paracentesis
    Common neurology
    • Lumbar puncture
    Common respiratory medicine
    • Argyll pleural drain
    • Pigtail pleural drain
    • Pleural aspiration
    • Pleural decompression
    • Seldinger pleural drain
    Common rheumatology
    • Joint aspiration
    • Joint injection
    Common miscellany
    • Arterial access
    • Central venous access
    • Urinary catheterisation
    • Venous cannulation