Our medical training logbook apps grew out of our experience as doctors.  We needed accurate and secure training records, but found a contradiction between having verifiable records of training undertaken, versus the need for anonymisation. Guidance from the GMC and employers can be contadictory, difficult to understand and harder to implement. Our focus as training grade doctors is on acquiring new skills and becoming the best practitioner of medicine possible. Most of us don’t have time or interest to distinguish anonymised, pseudonymised and de-anonymised data and work out the implications for our own training records.

Our medical training logbook apps were developed in 2013 by a group of doctors and software developers as a practical solution to this problem.

We know first-hand the demands of working a high-volume clinical training post, and particularly know the irony that the busiest posts often provide the best training, but the least opportunity to keep training records and logbooks up-to-date.

Our first priority is to make records easy and fast to keep up-to-date, and to provide a logbook on your phone, so that even the busiest junior doctor has the opportunity to record their training on-the-fly.

Used responsibly, in line with guidance from professional bodies and our terms and conditions, Our medical training logbook apps are legal, comprehensive and easy-to-use. We enable doctors to keep good records from the wards, operating theatres or clinics, so you get credit for the training you’ve done, not just the bits you’ve had time to write down.

Since we started, the medical tech marketplace has changed a lot. Commercial competitors have come and gone, and even some Royal Colleges’ e-logbook schemes have been abandoned. Acute care common stem (ACCS) now has a whole new intercollegiate committee setting their curriculum, and the face of dual accreditation in intensive care medicine is changing as we speak. Core medical training (CMT) has become internal medicine training (IMT)… and these are just the headline changes.

From a starting point of just five users (who were all part of the development team!) we now have thousands of subscribers in over 50 specialties. In 2017 we introduced our first Premium paid-for logbook accounts, which has allowed us to invest in expanding and improving our coverage.

In mid-2020 we added the ability to upload anonymised images, and we have several technological and content improvements planned for the near future.

The aim remains the same: to give doctors a useful tool to progress your training as quickly and easily as possible.



This website and associated services are operated by Logitbox Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales. Registration no.: 08023816. Registered office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AF.